The Westside Water Resources Team
Our team has been assembled based upon their areas of expertise, passion for the environment, and work for social justice.

Ralph Lane
Government & Political Interface
BIO – (Scorpio sun, Cancer moon, Gemini ascendant) -B.C. (before children) A decade of work as a public defender: five years in NYC Legal Aid Society’s Criminal Defense Division, five years in San Francisco’s Bayview Hunter’s Point Community Defender. -A.P. (as parent) I invested and volunteered in a local consumer co-op for organic food. After I joined the board, we re-incorporated as a workers collective, that grew strong enough to buy me and other investors out. After unloading produce trucks for thirteen years, I flipped the profits into a warehouse where I dream of creating affordable housing. -E.N. (empty nesting) After a dozen years of serving as an adjudicator of criminal cases in several of the city’s Neighborhood Courts (Sunset, Bayview, and the Mission), I am expanding my government labors. I’m volunteering in my local newly elected Supervisor’s office. -T.O. (throughout) I’ve an unpublished novel about my great-great-great grandfather’s adventures in Gold Rush San Francisco, and a half dozen unproduced plays.